21 Sep 2018

Today hard copies of the students NAPLAN results will be going home. This will be for those students in Year 3 and Year 5 that sat the NAPLAN Online test earlier this year. Having looked over the results, we are very pleased with the student’s achievements. These results are a testament to the Visible Learning systems Cattai PS has put in place and the hard work of our teaching staff.
Our Year 3 cohort achieved above national average in all five areas assessed (Reading, Writing, Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation, Numeracy). The most impressive statistic is our school average for Year 3 Reading where we achieved an average of band 6. We also achieved an average of band 5 in the Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation and Numeracy tests. Our Year 5 cohort achieved above expected average growth with 80% of the tests they sat. However, we do need to factor in that our Year 5 cohort sat a paper test in Year 3 and more recently an online test for Year 5 so this will have some impact on the results due to using two different testing systems.