Visible Learning at Cattai Public School
Cattai Public School is a visible learning school. Our vision is to ensure all students every year gain a year's worth of progress for a year's worth of teaching and learning.
The below resources have been created as part of a school wide initiaitve to empower the Cattai Public School Community with knowledge of our visible learning journey. These resources will accompany of a series of parent information sessions.
Spelling (coming soon)
- Spelling Parent information Session Slide Show
- Spelling Parent Infomation Night Flyer
Learning Dispositions (coming soon)
- Learning Dispositions Parent information Session Slide Show
- Learning Dispositions Parent Infomation Night Flyer
Writing (coming soon)
- Writing Parent information Session Slide Show
- Writing Parent Infomation Night Flyer
Reading (coming soon)
- Reading Parent information Session Slide Show
- Reading Parent Infomation Night Flyer